The price of the translation is stated on the basis of the number of words
of the source text. The number of words on one standard page (ATTENTION! standard page ≠ physical page) is 250 words, i.e. 1,800 characters, including spaces. If you have the source text in Word you can easily check the number of words
by means of: Tools – Wordcount.
Our translation agency provides discounts for repeated words in the text
up to the level of 70%. It is possible to apply a discount after sending an editable format (e.g.: .doc, .rtf, .xls, .xlm, .ixtg, .qsc, .csv, .pmd, .mif, .fm etc.)
of the source text. Using the translation software we can find these repeated words and count them. The result is an analysis which we can send to you upon request.
We will be pleased to prepare a quotation and propose deadlines on the basis
of the text received from you.
Send your inquiry to rois@rois.sk or complete our form.
Request for quotation
We will be pleased to prepare a specific quotation and propose deadlines based on completion of the following form.